Mackenzie Sylvester
Story teller
Grammar enthusiast
Magazine connoisseur
Est. 1997
Mackenzie Sylvester is a writer and editor specializing in wellness, astrology, lifestyle, beauty, and style spaces. Mackenzie covers everything from horoscopes, zodiac explainers, and manifesting, to women's health, sex and relationships, and commerce content. Earning her B.A. in Digital Journalism and A.A.S. in Business and Marketing, she loves curating a good shopping round-up. The Alaska-based skincare-obsessed vegan is quick to jump on the newest home skincare tech, meditation techniques, and astrology hacks and tell you all about them.
Her infatuation with editing and words began when her second-grade teacher started a weekly journal to keep letters between students, parents, and teachers. The 7-year-old quickly became known to mercilessly edit her dad's (atrociously misspelled) letters in generous servings of red-gel ink.